Tri tip roasts are a great protein to smoke on your grill or smoker. Slice it thin and enjoy some tacos or loaded sandwiches!

Total Time: 3 hours
Servings: 3-5


Hickory Smoking Chips
American Jerk Rub
1 Tri Tip Roast, 3-5 lb.
Dijon Mustard

Chef's Tip

If you don’t have a smoker, you can still get great results on your grill. Try to keep the heat low and add the smoking chips directly to the coals, or your smoking chip box. 


  1. Preheat a smoker to 200°F, using the hickory smoking chips.
  2. Trim off any excess fat from the meat and cover all over with mustard.
  3. Season generously all over with the American Jerk Rub.
  4. Place the meat in the smoker and cook for roughly 45 minutes per pound.
  5. You are looking for an internal temperature of 135°F for medium rare.
  6. When the meat is ready, briefly sear on all sides in a skillet or on a very hot grill.
  7. Allow 10-15 minutes of rest time before slicing.

*Keep a spray bottle of water handy in case of flare-ups.

Hickory Smoking Chips

Used in this recipe:

American Jerk Spice Rub

Hickory Smoking Chips

Used in this recipe:

Hickory Smoking Chips